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  1. Projects
  2. Key Stakeholders of the Russian Arctic Politics

Kurlenko Anatoliy Grigoryevich

Level of influence

Lazutin Aleksandr Germanovich

Level of influence

Litvinov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

Level of influence

Logvinenko Tatiana Pavlovna

Level of influence

Luchina Inna Nikolayevna

Level of influence

Lykov Ilia Yuryevich

Level of influence

Mayegov Aleksey Pavlovich

Level of influence

Makarova Elena Nikolayevna

Level of influence

Masanov Andrey Vladislavovich

Level of influence

Medvedev Aleksey Veniaminovich

Level of influence

Mironov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Level of influence

Novikov Sergey Vladimirovich

Level of influence

Noskin Sergey Anatolyevich

Level of influence

Okladnikov Pavel Anatolyevich

Level of influence

Pavelko Olga Aleksandrovna

Level of influence

Pershikov Maksim Vladimirovich

Level of influence

Pestryakov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

Level of influence

Petukhova Tatiana Yuryevna

Level of influence

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