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  1. Projects
  2. Key Stakeholders of the Russian Arctic Politics

Bachevskiy Sergey Viktorovich

Level of influence

Boyarskiy Viktor Ilich

Level of influence

Laletin Roman Vyacheslavovich

Level of influence

Potekhin Aleksandr Vladislavovich

Level of influence

Strugatskiy Vladimir Ilich

Level of influence

Tkachenko Boris Ivanovich

Level of influence

Troshin Vitaliy Alekseyevich

Level of influence

Uralov Semen

Level of influence

Cherenkov Vitaliy Ivanovich

Level of influence

Shamakhov Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Level of influence

Shirokov German Germanovich

Level of influence

Albychev Kirill Sergeyevich

Level of influence

Afanasyev Dmitriy Nikolayevich

Level of influence

Babina Olga Viktorovna

Level of influence

Berezin Dmitriy Borisovich

Level of influence

Bolenkov Andrey Gennadyevich

Level of influence

Burtsev Igor Nikolayevich

Level of influence

Buryanina Nadezhda Sergeyevna

Level of influence

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