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  1. Projects
  2. Key Stakeholders of the Russian Arctic Politics

Sidorova Nataliya Aleksandrovna

Level of influence

Slonis Yuriy Voldemarovich

Level of influence

Smetanin Leonid Ivanovich

Level of influence

Smirnova Lidiya Valeryevna

Level of influence

Sopov Valentin Konstantinovich

Level of influence

Sotruyeva Inna Vasilyevna

Level of influence

Tayan Lyubov Vladimirovna

Level of influence

Teryayev Yuriy Alekseyevich

Level of influence

Timoshenko Larisa Vitalyevna

Level of influence

Trapeznikov Kirill Mikhaylovich

Level of influence

Trifonova Venera Yakhiyayevna

Level of influence

Tyurnina Anna Borisovna

Level of influence

Uramayev Sergey Rafailovich

Level of influence

Kharaykin Andrey Sergeyevich

Level of influence

Chuzhmarov Andrey Ivanovich

Level of influence

Shadrina Liliya Pavlovna

Level of influence

Shimko Kirill Vitalyevich

Level of influence

Shukyurova Valentina Valentinovna

Level of influence

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