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  1. Projects
  2. Key Stakeholders of the Russian Arctic Politics

Dolganskaya Valentina Yuryevna

Level of influence

Dudkina Ivetta Viktorovna

Level of influence

Efimova Yuliya Vladimirovna

Level of influence

Zayakin Dmitriy Yuryevich

Level of influence

Zemskikh Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Level of influence

Zibert Irina Abramovna

Level of influence

Izergin Evgeniy Vadimovich

Level of influence

Kalashnik Evgeniya Aleksandrovna

Level of influence

Kalinin Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Level of influence

Kalinova Alesya Andreyevna

Level of influence

Karpan Vladimir Vasilyevich

Level of influence

Knyazeva Galina Alekseyevna

Level of influence

Kozhina Tatiana Viktorovna

Level of influence

Korotin Valeriy Vladimirovich

Level of influence

Kravets Marina Vladimirovna

Level of influence

Kruglova Irina Konstantinovna

Level of influence

Kryuk Vasiliy Nikolayevich

Level of influence

Kudryavtsev Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Level of influence