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  1. Projects
  2. Key Stakeholders of the Russian Arctic Politics

Grechushkin Nikolay Nikolayevich

Level of influence

Davidenko Ilia Valentinovich

Level of influence

Davydova Elena Nikolayevna

Level of influence

Evmenov Nikolay Anatolyevich

Level of influence

Eremeyev Aleksey Aleksandrovich

Level of influence

Zhudro Ivan Sergeyevich

Level of influence

Zorin Anatoliy Aleksandrovich

Level of influence

Inyutsyn Anton Yuryevich

Level of influence

Kerimov Murad Kerimovich

Level of influence

Klepach Andrey Nikolayevich

Level of influence

Klimentyev Oleg Ateistovich

Level of influence

Kobylkin Dmitriy Nikolayevich

Level of influence

Krivonosov Andrey Anatolyevich

Level of influence

Kulikova Anna Aleksandrovna

Level of influence

Lelikov Dmitriy Yuryevich

Level of influence

Lidkovskiy Dmitriy Iskanderovich

Level of influence

Loginov Aleksey Lvovich

Level of influence

Lyulin Sergey Vladimirovich

Level of influence