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  1. Projects
  2. Key Stakeholders of the Russian Arctic Politics

Yakushev Vladimir Vladimirovich

Level of influence

Gutsan Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Level of influence

Polovinka Vladislav Vasilyevich

Level of influence

Nikolayev Aysen Sergeyevich

Level of influence

Aleksandrov Anatoliy Aleksandrovich

Level of influence

Kudryavtsev Nikolay Nikolayevich

Level of influence

Slipenchuk Mikhail Viktorovich

Level of influence

Yarovaya Irina Anatolyevna

Level of influence

Titov Vladimir Gennadyevich

Level of influence

Nazarov Vladimir Pavlovich

Level of influence

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich

Level of influence

Aleksashin Anatoliy Alekseyevich

Level of influence

Anopriyenko Sergey Mikhaylovich

Level of influence

Gordin Mikhail Valeryevich

Level of influence

Gogin Dmitriy Yuryevich

Level of influence

Gordeyev Yuriy Sergeyevich

Level of influence

Alpatov Sergey Sergeyevich

Level of influence

Lukianenko Valeriy Vasilyevich

Level of influence