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  1. Projects
  2. Key Stakeholders of the Russian Arctic Politics

Esyakov Sergey Yakovlevich

Level of influence

Zlenko Elena Gennadyevna

Level of influence

Mazharov Aleksandr Viktorovich

Level of influence

Mordasova Tamara Ivanovna

Level of influence

Rozanov Aleksey Yuryevich

Level of influence

Fateyev Maksim Albertovich

Level of influence

Fedotov Andrey Sandaminovich

Level of influence

Alekseyev Sergey Vladimirovich

Level of influence

Andryushin Kirill Aleksandrovich

Level of influence

Antipov Sergey Anatolyevich

Level of influence

Antonov Petr Sergeyevich

Level of influence

Bakhmet Olga Nikolayevna

Level of influence

Begma Vasiliy Aleksandrovich

Level of influence

Borilo Lyudmila Pavlovna

Level of influence

Vagner Aleksandr Rudolfovich

Level of influence

Valeyev Damir Nailovich

Level of influence

Vasilov Raif Gayanovich

Level of influence

Vasilyev Vladimir Nikolayevich

Level of influence